Secondary School in Europe
EIL AFS Ireland in partnership with Languages Connect - Provide scholarships that build awareness of the many cultural, social, personal and career advantages of having foreign language skills
Applications are now CLOSED!What's included in your experience
- Airfare
- Airport Pick-up
- Host Family Placement
- Meals
- School Placement
- Individual Contact Person
- Medical Insurance
- 24/7 Emergency Support
- School Materials
- Continuous Support

Deadline - Friday, 29th November
Scholarship Overview
- 15 -17 years (on 1st June 2025)
- 1 x scholarship available
- Fully-funded
- Secondary School – local enrolment
- Accommodation – Host family
- Duration – 3 months (late Aug – early Dec 2025)
- Language option: French, German, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, Danish, Czech, Latvian, Serbian & Slovak
- Youth Citizenship Camp in Brussels in Dec 2025
- Application = Online form + ‘why choose me’ + Reference form
- Action at Home project – on your return share your learning with your community
- Mentor programme
- Local Coordinator in country
- 24 hour emergency phone
Important Dates & Info
- Interview – Saturday, January 25th, 2025 – Shortlisted applicants must attend
- Winners announced – March 2025
- Pre-departure Orientation – must attend – May 2025
- Departure – late Aug 2025
- Return home – early Dec 2025
Deadline for applications: Friday, 6th December 2024!
How do I apply?
Follow these simple steps...
Complete all sections in English.
Step 1: Fill out the online APPLICATION FORM.
Step 2: Contact your 2 referees to submit their Reference Form.
Step 3: Submit your signed Terms and Conditions & My Commitments Form together with any videos/ artwork answering the personal or ‘Why choose me’ questions (if applicable) to [email protected]
IMPORTANT- you need to be available for interview on Saturday, January 25th, 2025 in Dublin
Deadline for all steps is 6th December 2024!
You have until 6th December 2024 to complete and submit your full application including references.
Need help?
Contact [email protected] if you have any questions or need help with the application.
Why Choose me?
What is the selection process?
Learning Outcomes & Educational Model
Your Learning Outcomes
After this scholarship programme, a participant will be able to demonstrate increased…
- Foreign Language & Communication skills
- Interpersonal & Teamwork skills
- Self-confidence & Self-awareness
- Problem-solving skills & Self-efficacy
- Reflective critical thinking
- Cultural Competence – (Ability to act effectively and appropriately in diverse cultural contexts)
Our Educational Model
Host Family & Accommodation
Staying with a Host Family
Your Host Family
Our host families have a genuine interest in learning about other cultures and sharing their own culture by hosting students.
All host families are sourced, vetted and screened through our partner organization. After an interview and home visit, host families are carefully selected by the local coordinator according to very definite selection criteria: open-mindedness, availability, receptiveness, good sense of welcoming and good accommodation conditions.
The host family is seen as responsible for the students’ welfare and our partner office insists on their role as “parents”. Host families come in all shapes and sizes; single parents with children living in the house, nuclear families, older couples whose children are no longer at home, as well as young couples who may not have children, are all considered potential host families. Our main criteria is a warm, caring, and comfortable home environment for students to be nurtured and thrive in. Applicants cannot reject host family placements and must agree to accept them without prejudice and to go into the programme with an open mind.
Where will my placement be?
Language & School
Language options
This year we have the following language options:
French, German, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, Danish, Czech, Latvian, Serbian and Slovak.
Host Countries depend on availability. I.e If you are interested in French, you could be placed in Belgium or Switzerland. If you are interested in German, you could be placed in Switzerland or Austria.
Studying at a local school
Youth Citizenship Camp
End of Stay Weekend in Brussels
Aims to enable participants in:
- Gaining a wider concept of citizenship
- Appreciating global diversity
- Being a global citizen
- Recognising the importance of intercultural dialogue as an element in promoting peace
- To implement global citizenship activities throughout the program and in the future
Important Conditions
Important terms and conditions about participation
Individual placement. This is a programme designed for independent and individual students. Emphasis is on full language and cultural immersion.
A student may not return home for the duration of their programme. This includes bank holidays or mid-term breaks.
No family & friends visits. In our experience, to allow the student the best possible opportunity to immerse themselves in the culture and their community, visits from family & friends from home are not allowed. They disrupt the adjustment process, lead to further homesickness and integration problems.
Students and parents cannot ‘reject’ a host family placement in favour of a new one. Once host family details are sent to the student, they are final.
Expectations. Participants are placed in safe and welcoming host families in local communities. Like in all countries, accommodation, food and pasttimes vary. Students should be open to a lifestyle & culture different to their own in Ireland.
We are sure you have lots of questions and we will do our best here to answer the most common, but if you have any specific questions [email protected] would be only too happy to answer them for you 🙂
In what language do I complete my application?
All applications, submissions and references need to be made in English. There is no foreign language assessment required in the selection process.
What costs are covered by the scholarship programme?
What standard is the accommodation & food?
Are family visits allowed?
Will I host a student in return?
Who can apply?
Can students request to be placed in private schools or boarding?
Can you offer placements in specific types of schools, e.g. music focus, science focus, sports available, equestrian, etc.?
What are some typical clubs that students would be able to join?
Do teachers grade exchange students on the same level as their classmates?
What is the selection process?
Covid 19
Living & Studying with Covid 19
Our communities have changed dramatically since the Covid 19 pandemic. We have learned to adapt our ways of living and working to maintain our daily lives and relationships. Traveling abroad to study has also seen changes, however as always your safety comes first.
As part of a global network of organizations, we are actively re-assessing conditions for study abroad programs on a country-by-country basis. The safety and well-being of our participants remain our number one priority. We are closely monitoring health and travel recommendations from authorities, as well as receiving information from our robust, on-the-ground volunteer network. We pledge to be open and responsive to circumstances as they change.

Languages Connect aims to build awareness of the many cultural, social, personal and career advantages of having foreign language skills and to make foreign language learning more appealing to everyone. For more information of the benefits of foreign language skills, news, events and competitions follow Languages Connect on social media or check out our website at www.languagesconnect.ie

Post Primary Languages Ireland
Post-Primary Languages Ireland (PPLI) is a unit providing expertise and support for foreign languages education in Ireland. Its focus is on enhancing and broadening the opportunities available to students for learning foreign languages relevant to Ireland’s future cultural, social and economic needs.
PPLI has responsibility for implementing key actions in Languages Connect – Ireland’s Strategy for Foreign Languages in Education 2017-2026, which was published by the Irish Government in December 2017.