The 20XX EIL Network Weekend will take place on the weekend of the 26th & 27th of November. The theme this year is “Volunteer Impact”, which will be delivered to you from the “dream team” that is the Global Education Committee on the Saturday through fun activities and evening entertainment. Then the AGM and EIL Fair on the Sunday, plus the 2022 Explore Award Ceremony!

If you are interested in attending the EIL Network Weekend, whether you’re first timers or long timers, participants from this year and yesteryear, AFSers or EILers…we want all to come together for a sure to be wonderful weekend in Maynooth!

Please don’t hesitate to inquire and do it ASAP by contacting the office or emailing


At the Network weekend you can expect to:

  • Become more informed on global issues: Take part in interactive workshops and learn skills.
  • Get creative: Learn creative ways to campaign using art and drama.
  • Challenge and take action: Speak with people and make your voice heard in an awareness-raising activity.
  • Meet others: Make links and share ideas with other EIL members.
  • Relax and have fun: When the workshop sessions wind down on Saturday night it is time for some music, theatre, dance or movies and to make friends at the Network weekend night event.

What members said about the Network weekends:

  • “Engaging, inspiring, a great way to get to know EIL”
  • “Good to see previous volunteers and hear how they have used their EIL experience since returning”
  • “Brilliant chance to deal with topical issues”
  • “Great fun, great people”
  • “Great chance for all members to get to know one another and feel like they have a useful part to play in EIL”

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