We received this wonderful piece from one of our Host Families in Clare, about Martha Liedtke, a student from Germany:

“Martha joined our family and community here in Tulla late last year. Martha’s start in the programme was not perfect, however with your help she managed to find her way to our family here in Clare. From day one Martha made a positive impression on me as her host mother, always willing to help and make an effort with anything asked of her. We are a busy house lots of personalities coming and going however this did not faze her, in fact I think she quite enjoyed it!! My husband Bob coaches the girls under 16 soccer team and he encouraged Martha to get involved.
Perhaps hesitant at first, as this really pushed Martha out of her comfort zone and even though she always had my daughter Sophie who is on the team, this still took courage to go up to a group where she knew very little people. Quickly Martha established herself as a 1st team Goalkeeper, and grew week-by-week in confidence. Martha trained every Tuesday and also played club and league games. She is a very talented goalkeeper, but also had the flexibility of playing outfield when asked. Last night was Martha’s last league game and she was made Captain of her team. I cannot tell you how proud we were of her.
Martha, from her own efforts through out this experience has made lifelong friends from school and her after school activities. She immersed herself fully into this programme and in my opinion is a credit to herself and family. She showed me, that you get out of this programme what you put in and she gave it everything. I have attached a picture of Martha and her Team last night. Martha wearing orange jersey at the back row.”
Sandra Milsted
Host Mother.