Aventuras Nocturnas
This is one short description I registered in my journals over the summer, talking about what my night patrols in La Ventanilla looked and felt like. Every night we would go out on the tiny bank of sand which separated the lagoon from the Pacific ocean and looked for turtle eggs. It was the peak seasons when these marvellous creatures were coming to lay their eggs nearby our beaches and we were ready to protect them from poachers. Usually the night patrols took place at 12AM, 3AM or 5AM the latest. We would walk for two hours, 8, maybe 10km every time and sometimes it was all for nothing, other times we would get lucky and see the wonderful U-shape traced by the turtle on the beach, marking her nest. My first encounter with a turtle nest ravished me with emotion, knowing that now, I was the one protecting these little creatures. Sometimes we would go out with tourists and it was mesmerizing to see them experience the exact same feeling as I had, their faces lightning up with wonder and curiosity.
This was one of my favourite parts of the time I spent in Mexico. All those long walks on quiet nights served not only the purpose of rescuing little turtle eggs, but more so liberating my mind and soul. At some stage in our lives we all have to go for a night walk on the beach, by ourselves and just look at the stars and remember who we are.