Explore Japan

“Everyone was extremely welcoming, with a sense of hospitality that could rival Ireland’s. Especially in Seiryo, where I went to school, people were often very confident and hilarious! Everyone was eager to converse with me, and extremely kind when I visited their clubs or tried to join their activities” Vanessa, past Japan participant

This exciting programme will take you to beautiful Japan for four weeks. During this time, you will live with a host family, visit school and act as an Ambassador for Ireland, sharing Irish culture and tradition as you learn about that of Japan. The Award is fully funded by EIL.

This is an exciting opportunity for a young person with a zeal for Irish culture and a genuine interest in Japan.


16  – 17  years of age (on 1st of June 2025)

Some helpful Links


Tips for Applicants

Here you will find some useful tips for your application process

Tips for Applicants

Online Application

Fill out our online application and become a 2025 Explore Award Winner